First Post?!

After a few (ok more than a few) years away from blogging….I am back…with a bit of trepidation.  At 37, I feel like I have surpassed most people in the life experiences category…without going into a long story (cause who wants the juicy details anyway) I have lived a life of probably a 50 year old….well maybe 60 for some that have had boring lives.

Starting out young and being a bit of a rebel has alot to do with it, going against the grain, uphill…that’s my style.  Why make things easy on myself right? My biggest issue now is what to write about in this new blog.  Most of the articles I have read lately on blogging suggest you need a “theme” for your blog.  In the past I have had blogs about books I am reading, travel/mission blog, and a blended family (or as I like to refer to it…shoot me now family) blog.  They start out great but somewhere along the way I always lose myself and become a cynical, jaded writer.  I become quite negative.  This is why I do not blog.

But looking at my life sitting here at 37, all the things I have accomplished….and not, I started to realize that the more negative I am, the more I am not enjoying life.  Complaining is not self care.  Self care is NOT narcissistic, it is just taking care of ones happiness.  Being responsible for oneself.  So…..I vow that this blog will be (for the most part) positive.

So… what do I blog about.  I had a few ideas, things I love, reading, travel bucket list, photography, creativity-ie my new love of adult coloring therapy (seriously people you all need to try this)…but I could not pick just one.

This very ADD girl, who always has five projects on the go, three never completed and about ten more waiting to start….has decided I am NOT picking a topic for my blog.

I am not a stay at home mom (love you christian stay at home moms who pop out kids like candy and then bake them cookies…seriously I do love y’all) I happen to work full time, commute and try and keep my house semi clean (or at least shove the garbage where you can’t see it and try and dust once a month 🙂 I don’t enjoy cooking (although this may change) have a teenager who is out of control to say the least with special needs…..and I have a degenerative brain disease, which won’t kill me….but it sure takes the wind out of my sails….can anyone say chronic fatigue…let’s all say it together….tired as shit.

Wow, when I put it that way….I kick ass!!  So this blog I have decided…will be about EVERYTHING.  What ever my little heart wants, or needs to write about.  I can’t promise I will keep it super up to date…but at least it will be my own little spot in the world.
