Just Because……

I feel like I have been at a turning point for awhile.  I have let go of some dreams, and began to identify others.

I have decided that the past shall no longer ruin my future and I am ok to let go of those in my life that get in the way, that being said life has not been kind lately, which is funny since I feel a sense of peace and happiness that I have not felt for many years.

It could be due to chronic fatigue and just not having the energy to care anymore….it could be my guardian angels watching out for me, the prayers of others perhaps….or I could have just adjusted my sails and set sight on finding the joy in life.

I am trying to pursue passions again.  Photography being one of them.  Using my crappy iphone I shot this on a drive.

Another passion, driving.  Just because. Wide open spaces.  Country air.  Breathe.
